Starting a Business

Starting a business is an exciting time. If you haven’t done it before it can be daunting and if you have, you will fully appreciate the potential pitfalls out there.
With so much to do, and with limited time and money, “the legals” is are often given very little thought. The trouble is, “legal” mistakes and becoming embroiled in disputes can be fatal for a start-up in the early days.
We can help you prioritise what you should do now to protect your business and what can be left to later. We can also offer flexible payment plans to help you budget for this.
Common areas of advice for new businesses include:
Some lawyers say they will advise start-ups on issues such as “choice of business medium”. We believe that fundamental advice such as this should be free. So, please have a read of some of the articles we have written for start-ups and new businesses.